
victorian home and business


Burton Village Zoning Inspector, Rick Gruber
Phone: 440-313-1230
E-Mail Address: villageofburtonzoning@gmail.com

Zoning Application

If you are planning remodeling, building, rebuilding or any type of construction on your property, to avoid penalties, call the Village office to see if a Zoning Application is required and the fee amount associated with your project. If an application is required, click on the above link for the appropriate form. Applications shall be submitted at the Village office with the proper fee. It will then be given to the Zoning Inspector who will approve, make changes or reject your project. If the Zoning Inspector does not approve your permit due to the plans not following current zoning, you can ask for a variance from the Board of Zoning Appeals.

Variance Request Application

The Variance Request Form is to be filled out if you have requested to go before the Board of Zoning Appeals. The completed application, a check for the $65.00 application fee and a deposit of $500 for review and meeting fees will be required when requesting a variance to the Zoning Ordinances (see Zoning Ordinance 117.02). Applications and fees are accepted in Village Office on the second floor of the Burton Public Library, or mail it to Attention: BZA, P.O. Box 408, Burton, OH 44021. As soon as the proper fees and application are submitted, the BZA Clerk will set a Public Hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Board meets on an as needed basis. Please review Zoning Ordinance 117.06(b) detailing what the Board looks at when granting a variance and have necessary information available for Hearing.

Conditional Use Application

The Conditional Use Application is to be filled out when you are permitted to apply for a conditional use through he Board of Zoning Appeals as stated under Zoning Ordinance 1135.03 Schedule of Uses. The completed application, a check for the $65 application fee and a deposit of $500 for review and meeting fees will be required when the application submitted. Applications and fees are accepted in the Village Office on the second floor of the Burton Public Library, or by mail to Attention: BZA, P.O. Box 408, Burton, OH 44021. As soon as the proper fees and application are submitted, the BZA Clerk will set a Public Hearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals. The Board meets on an as needed basis.

Zoning Complaint

Village of Burton Zoning Complaint Form

Burton Village Zoning Map

The Burton Village Zoning Map is a map of the current zoning districts in the Village of Burton.

Garage/Yard Sales

Please be aware that the Village of Burton requires a permit if you are having a garage or yard sale: Garage Sale/Yard Sale Permit

Historic District Permit

Please be aware if you live in the Historic District, any exterior changes to your house (including painting or siding) must be reviewed and approved by the Historic District Architectural Review Board. The review and permit fee is $5 and should be turned in with your completed permit at the Village office. If you have any questions or are unsure if you are in the Historic District, please contact the Village office at 440-834-4474.

Historic District Permit
Historic District Ordinance
Historic District Map
Historic District Guidelines
Local Examples of Period Styles

Please review section 1169 of the Codified Ordinance before posting signs around the village. Unauthorized signs on village property will be removed. There is a link to the Codified Ordinances on the Ordinance page.

Please feel free to contact the Village office at 440-834-4474 or e-mail 1villageofburton@sbcglobal.net during office hours with any zoning questions.

Board of Zoning Appeals

Paul Emch, President
Judy Beaumier
A. J. Bissell
Sharon Moster
Al Tolchinsky
Charles "Skip" Boehnlein, Council Representative

Burton Village Ordinances

Walter H. Drane Co. Website

Click on the link above to view the Village ordinances. Another screen will pop up. Click on the file folder to the left of the screen next to Burton, Ohio. This will bring up the different sections of the Village ordinances. If you are looking for something specific, go to the quick search tool bar at the top of the page.

Burton Village Residents and Contractors

Please be aware that no person, firm or corporation having cause to perform work necessitating the involvement of a portion of the sidewalks, roadways, water systems, and/or sewer systems of the Village shall do so without applying for a Mayors Permit through the Village Office. This application will include detailing the nature of the work contemplated, the method of work, the remedial work planned, the starting date and the anticipated completion date. Please call or stop by the Village office before any work is started to avoid penalties. For more information, refer to Burton Village Codified Ordinance 901. Click on link for the Contractor Registration Form for CCA.