
town Street


Water and Sewer

The BPA oversees the operations at the water and waste water treatment plants.
Board of Public Affairs Rules and Regulations.

The BPA Clerk, Lisa Hernandez, will send quarterly water and sewer bills out by the 21st of every February, May, August and November. Monthly bills will be sent out every month on the 21st. The Village offers a monthly billing which is estimated. If you wish to be placed on the monthly billing, please send a written request to the Water and Sewer Clerk.

The Board of Public Affairs holds a meeting the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Burton Public Library.

Board of Public Affairs:

Jeremy Neill, BPA President
Curt Johnson
Tim Barber

Paul Eaton--Coordinator
Andy Carroscia

Phone: 440-834-1408

Annual Water Quality Report
Water and Sewer Rates

welton cemetery


Rick Smigelski--Commissioner of Streets
Martin Motil--Street Supervisor
Alex Hansel--Street Laborer

Phone: 440-834-8810

Welton Cemetery Board

Board meets as needed

Marcianne Kimpton--President
Newell Beaumier
Arleen Richardson
Roberta Dobay--Council Representative

Welton Cemetery Information

Tree Commission

Meets 1st Monday of Every Month at 6:30 PM

Ben Larson, President
Judith Beaumier
Tom Erickson
Marcianne Kimpton
Matt Markiewicz
Debbie Palmisano--Village Arborist

Architectural Review Board

Meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00 pm, as needed

Jim Wohlken
Jim Croup
Charles Weikart
Joe Hernandez, Council Representative